Yang Chengzu went on to say, "Everyone is a respected reader. Reading Confucius and Mencius’ sage road can help the monarch to shepherd and educate the people in the future. The audience respects the benevolent gentleman. I, Yang, am very admired, and I rely on Kyle for a thousand words. Who dares to say no to you?"

He paused and glanced around. "But when is the eye? I’ve seen Tangbao’s 50,000 rebels plundering the vast lake. When the imperial court ordered all localities to step up their garrison, when the thieves and soldiers didn’t know it, there might be a soldier’s front reaching Anlu, and if you look at the south bank …

"Oh-"Frank couldn’t help shivering. He felt that his mind was in chaos.

"You know this child is really important to me. I don’t want them to be healthy to threaten me and help me. I need you to cherish my poor mother!" Phil put a microphone on his lips and deliberately increased the airflow sound. Everything became interesting. Feier, who has been in contact with the doctor …


Miao is still wondering how Morant could be willing to take his wife across the ocean when she was in danger. The cell phone in her bag rang. It is estimated that Cai Yi and them arrived. "Are you guys here?" The following took the initiative to ask. "We have arrived at the lobby on …

A moment of terror, cherry’s mouth poked straight into camouflage crotch, and Jiang Aitong was poked red-handed when he was cold.

"ah! Damn it, I’ll kill you! " Jiang Aitong’s crotch is molested by ghosts, facing the crisis of pollution, and anyone will go crazy. Sad and angry, Zhongjiang Aitong waved his saber in his hand and kept sweeping back and forth at that face. The face was scratched by the knife and quickly gathered and …

Many bear children no longer crowd out facial paralysis like when they were five or six years old. Lu Jiuzheng regarded his facial paralysis and wanted to be friends with Lu Jiuzheng. Unfortunately, he learned ancient martial arts from the age of four, and now he is seven years old. Lu Jiuzheng kicked the sandbag with one foot.

The sun and sand float in the sky, dressed in black gold, and Xiao Lu Jiuzheng is vivid, like a black-faced killer. The cold eyes swept over the children who leaned in, and the bear children were a little precocious. They were scared, pale and weak, and went home. Later, when I was in my …

Ye Feng got up and said, I don’t look at you, Brother Feng. Who am I? What can I do? After that, I tried to squeeze my eyes, which were still black with ink.

Ah, all the beautiful women are calling Elder brother Shi Er Le nu Dao, who beat you like this, and all the girls followed suit and asked. Mafia. Oh, my God, crazy. You’re not as handsome as me, but it’s unfair that you’ve got so many beautiful women and I’m not black. As soon as …

Cascold command

Brother Cass wanted to marry me. Fox Fox suddenly smiled brightly, and then he saw Cass plop down on the bed, put his hands together and put up red smoke on his head. He told me to look at that girl for me while practicing, and advised her to eat more. She was going to …